October 31, 2011

Week 48

A BIG Taiwan hello!!!!

First, Mom's headstone is beautiful, just like her. Thank you so much for the pictures. It turned out perfect.

Second, I am so sorry about last weeks short email. We went to the beach with an investigator and we were a little low on time and it ran out really fast on email time... I'm so sorry!

But.... now... to the goods.... :)

It has been a fabulous week! We saw many many many miracles!

Cute Erika is getting ready to make her first covenant on Saturday. She is so excited and so is the ward.  When we first starting meeting with her she had a hard time finding time to read the Book of Mormon but this week she called and said "I keep my promise!" and shared with us scriptures she loved. Later when we met she shared with us one that she thought could help us. She is so great! I love her and I'm so very excited for her!

Sweet Sister Liu is also preparing for baptism next week. She is getting excited. She was introduced to Christianity when she was 18 so it has been almost 20 years. At first she said she didn't know why she waited so long but we shared with her the first vision and about the restoration and it was clear why she waited. She was waiting to be baptized by someone holding authority and into the true church of God. We were invited to President Chen's house for dinner last night. This really helped build her excitement for her baptism and also helped her see the blessings of enduring to the end. I am so excited for her and I love her so much!!!!
We had many miracles at church yesterday! We had 3 families come! Truly a tender mercy from the Lord. The Huang family is formers and said they are ready to receive baptism! The Yang family we met while asking for directions and inviting them to hear about the beautiful gospel. They first said no time but it looks like they found time. Such a blessing! And a new investigator brought her husband and son to church. They all seem very interested..... It was a miracle Sunday.

I love you all so so so so very much!!!!

Until next week!

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