May 15, 2011

Week 25

Ni Hao!

It was so great talking to the fam! Thank you so much! I sure do love you guys!

It's been another great and busy week!

Sister Chen and I were able to teach a lot of lessons this week. So great!

Yesterday, the Liu family received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was so beautiful. Brother Liu continues to heal and is regaining strength and humor. During one of our lessons this week he told Sister Chen that she is a boring teacher and that she should have me teach more because I'm funny haha and by that he means that I am white and my Chinese is funny haha It's so great to see them happy and laughing. Cute Sister Liu has so much faith and patience. She is so great!

So Sister Chen left for home today... I'm so grateful I was blessed to have her as my companion. I am going to miss her. She is so amazing! I learned so much from her. We were so blessed and we had so much fun together! I LOVE HER!

I have a new companion. Sister Hsin! She is adorable!!! She is from Taipei and she is a ballerina! She's probably smaller than Sonny :) She is so cute and I'm excited to serve with her.

This week during personal study I found some great scriptures that I love. It's Helaman 5:9-11. I love in verse 11 how it talks about angels declaring the tidings of the conditions of repentance... I feel that there are many angels doing the Lord's work. There are the wonderful missionaries, specifically companions, that I am blessed to serve with. Then there is the members. They truly help so much in the work. They are so willing to help teach and testify of the Savior. And then there is the many real angels helping this work move along. They prepare the hearts. They help give us strength. I have greatly felt that this week. Especially yesterday with it being Mother's Day. I have felt so much of her love and support. I meet people that I know she would love and that helps me love them more. I feel so blessed to feel her near....

There are angels everywhere!!!! Parents, grandparents, family members, and friends. It is so amazing!

The church is true. Our Savior lives and loves us. This is His work and I feel so blessed to be a part of it!

I love you all!!!!

Until next week!

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