February 29, 2012

Week 65

Dearest Family!!!!!!!
Wow! What a week!!!! We were busy, busy, busy with a lot of power!
Power week was so great! It started with a great Sister exchange. We go on sister exchanges every transfer and it is always so great. This time I had a sweet new missionary come with me. Her name is Sister Hsiao. She is from Taipei. It was her 4th week in the mission. It was so fun! It was also really great because my first time as senior companion her trainer came with me and at that time it was her trainer, Sister Yen's first transfer. So It was so much fun to see Sister Yen and to work with her sweet companion. I learned so much from Sister Hsiao's humble spirit and her desire to learn and improve. She is so loving. It was so much fun and a great learning experience.... Guess where my companion went? She went with Sister Smith, my MTC companion! They had way too much fun! I love them both so much! It was really good to see Sister Smith for a few minutes.
The rest of the week was go go go!!!! I love busy days. We saw many great miracles even with the wet and cold rain.
First miracle: Sister Zeng. She is a former investigator that was taught by my previous companion Sister Wainright. She had her baptismal interview and everything was going so great and then a week before I came she just disappeared. She wasn't at home and she wouldn't answer her phone. Sister Wainright would try to call or go out to her house (she lives in the country so it's quite the bike ride there) but never any luck. Well this week we went out there and there was luck. She was home but busy so we set up for another time this week. We went back with a great member that we found out lives right by her :) This sweet sister remembered Sister Zeng and actually remembered a question that she had had before that she went home to study for. It was such a miracle that we found her again and that the member we called knew her and prepared for her without us even knowing... The Lord's hands are truly in His work!
Second miracle: Lisa. She is super cute. She actually self contacted the Elders a few weeks ago and said that she really wants to come to church. So the Elders referred her to us but when we called her she said that she couldn't come to church and didn't seem to interested. Well every Wednesday we have free English class. I went into my class that had only one student and it was Lisa. It was so great because I was able to sit with her. She asked me all sorts of questions about my family, my mission, why I'm here, and the church... so we skipped right to the spiritual share and I shared with her the beautiful message of the restoration. The spirit was really strong and she was quick to commit to praying and reading. She even set up for the nest day. She is so great! It comes to show  that you really can't read a book by it's cover.
Third miracle: Sister Ye. Wow I just love this girl so much! Her faith is growing so much! Yesterday morning she called us and said that she wouldn't be able to make it to church because she had a family thing. We were really surprised and talked to her for a bit and tried to see if there was any way she could come to sacrament meeting and promised her the blessings she would receive if she came. She said that she would talk to her mom and try to change the time so she could come. We were sitting in sacrament and we just kept praying and praying that she would come... Then she walked in and she stayed all 3 hours! It was so amazing! She is so amazing! She is preparing for baptism on Saturday and really needed to come and receive the blessings and help from church attendance. Her faith is growing. I love her so much!
Fourth miracle: Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Jiang. Last night we were riding around contacting when I went to talk to this cute little old lady. She seemed lost so I asked if we could help her. She is from China and showed me the address of her Hotel and asked if I knew where it was. I told her I knew where the street was and asked if we could walk her home. Her and her friend were so grateful. They were so cute and just lost on the streets of Taiwan. Her friend is a Christian. We were able to share a short message with them as we walked. My heart was so full of love and pure joy helping these 2 sweet children of God find their way home.
I feel so blessed that that is what I am able to do everyday. Help God's children find their way home. I love this work and I love this gospel.
I love all of you so very much!!!!!!
Until next week!

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