Hey! HEY! Hey!
This week has been good! It has been both busy and fun.
We have some really great investigators right now. Sweet Erika is preparing for baptism on the 8th of October. She is a testimony to me of prepared souls. We met her on the street and she was willing to come right to the church to sit down with us. She clarified her own baptismal date (which she decided should be the day the Prophet speaks aka Conference Saturday) She originally couldn't come to church for 2 weeks but we prayed that something would come up that would keep her here so she could come to church and something came up. Her friend changed her wedding day.... kinda big but so amazing and such a blessing. She also called us to tell us she bought a skirt because she noticed that everyone at church was wearing skirts. She is AWESOME! She is so sweet and outgoing and prepared! I LOVE her! I probably shouldn't get to carried away with her preparedness... but she's awesome!
Also, sweet Sister Liu has had a desire to get baptized for the past month but cannot come to church for the full 3 hours. She has been coming to sacrament the past few weeks and has really enjoyed it and has seen many blessings from church, reading, and praying. She even received the blessing of sleeper better and longer which has greatly helped her. This week she tried hard to have a work associate help her take her clients on Sunday. That is HUGE! Sadly no one was available to help her but she did come to sacrament and was able to meet more members and talked to the Bishop for a few minutes.
We are truly seeing so many miracles. It is amazing! I believe it is from that extra Spirit that is there in training. It is AMAZING! Speaking of training... Sister Watterson is awesome. She really is so amazing! She is so prepared and so confident. I really admire that about her.
I am getting so excited for conference! We have the week delay but oh I just can't wait! I hope you all enjoy it!
I love you all so so so much!
Until next week!
September 26, 2011
Week 44
Nimen Hao!!!!!
It has been another great week here in Zhang Hua!
The birthday was a blast! We had a little celebration last preparation day. We made the cute cake you all sent and ate, ate, ate. It was so much fun! I loved reading all the letters from the fam. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you guys!
I am having so much fun training! Sister Watterson is amazing and really training me. She is ready to do it all and she is a fast learner. She is picking everything up so fast and she is laughing everyday. She is doing awesome! We really are so meant to be... we have so so so so much in common. It's crazy! We definitely were long, lost friends reconnected in Taiwan. I LOVE HER!
We had an awesome experience with Sister Liu this week. She is a work-a-holic. She said for a while that she couldn't come to church because she needed to work... Well a few weeks ago she had faith and found a way to come for sacrament and again the next week. This past week we met with her and she asked us what she should say when her clients offer her tea... she then told us how she told all of her co-workers and family that she doesn't tea, coffee, or alcohol anymore and she just takes her water everywhere.So awesome!!! I was so impressed by her change and dedication. It was a testimony to me of the hand behind the work. The Lord really does all the work... It is so amazing!
Also, we have seen a big change in Bree. When we first met her she was very down and seemed somewhat angry, but now when we see her she's happy and smiling. She's willing to help and serve. I am learning so much about her and from her. She is such an amazing person. Her cute friend Jessica and other roommates commented on the change they have noticed and it brings so much joy to my heart! She is starting to feel the Saviors love! You can see that change in her countenance. It is glorious!
Yesterday was such a powerful Sabbath. Church was amazing! Both the Bishop and the Second Counselor spoke on the members welcoming investigators, new members, and less actives. They commented on how it is they must feel coming into the ward and the importance of loving them as the Savior does. The Bishop also talked about the father's role at home with scripture study and family home evening. It was amazing! After Church we were able to meet with the Bishop. It was so good. He told us of the goals that they have right now and what he would like us to help with and families to visit. I am so grateful for meeting with him. I know it will truly bless the work here in Zhang Hua 1st ward. While we were meeting with him I had this big impression that Sister Watterson needed to come to this area. This is where she needed to be trained and I needed to train her. I thought of all the amazing ways the Lords hands have been in the work regarding us. From the time we started thinking of going on a mission until now... It is truly miraculous!
Yesterday I also thought about the power of revelation. I was thinking about how powerful it is that we are receiving revelation for our investigators, new members, members, less actives, and even the people we contact on the street. It amazes me! The power, authority, and responsibility that we have. WOW! It is such a beautiful lesson of receiving revelation and truly such an amazing preparation for our future families and callings.
I love my mission! I cannot imagine my life without it now. It is so amazing and I will always be grateful for it. I love this work!
I love all of you so so so soooooooo much!!!!!!
Until next week!
It has been another great week here in Zhang Hua!
The birthday was a blast! We had a little celebration last preparation day. We made the cute cake you all sent and ate, ate, ate. It was so much fun! I loved reading all the letters from the fam. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you guys!
I am having so much fun training! Sister Watterson is amazing and really training me. She is ready to do it all and she is a fast learner. She is picking everything up so fast and she is laughing everyday. She is doing awesome! We really are so meant to be... we have so so so so much in common. It's crazy! We definitely were long, lost friends reconnected in Taiwan. I LOVE HER!
We had an awesome experience with Sister Liu this week. She is a work-a-holic. She said for a while that she couldn't come to church because she needed to work... Well a few weeks ago she had faith and found a way to come for sacrament and again the next week. This past week we met with her and she asked us what she should say when her clients offer her tea... she then told us how she told all of her co-workers and family that she doesn't tea, coffee, or alcohol anymore and she just takes her water everywhere.So awesome!!! I was so impressed by her change and dedication. It was a testimony to me of the hand behind the work. The Lord really does all the work... It is so amazing!
Also, we have seen a big change in Bree. When we first met her she was very down and seemed somewhat angry, but now when we see her she's happy and smiling. She's willing to help and serve. I am learning so much about her and from her. She is such an amazing person. Her cute friend Jessica and other roommates commented on the change they have noticed and it brings so much joy to my heart! She is starting to feel the Saviors love! You can see that change in her countenance. It is glorious!
Yesterday was such a powerful Sabbath. Church was amazing! Both the Bishop and the Second Counselor spoke on the members welcoming investigators, new members, and less actives. They commented on how it is they must feel coming into the ward and the importance of loving them as the Savior does. The Bishop also talked about the father's role at home with scripture study and family home evening. It was amazing! After Church we were able to meet with the Bishop. It was so good. He told us of the goals that they have right now and what he would like us to help with and families to visit. I am so grateful for meeting with him. I know it will truly bless the work here in Zhang Hua 1st ward. While we were meeting with him I had this big impression that Sister Watterson needed to come to this area. This is where she needed to be trained and I needed to train her. I thought of all the amazing ways the Lords hands have been in the work regarding us. From the time we started thinking of going on a mission until now... It is truly miraculous!
Yesterday I also thought about the power of revelation. I was thinking about how powerful it is that we are receiving revelation for our investigators, new members, members, less actives, and even the people we contact on the street. It amazes me! The power, authority, and responsibility that we have. WOW! It is such a beautiful lesson of receiving revelation and truly such an amazing preparation for our future families and callings.
I love my mission! I cannot imagine my life without it now. It is so amazing and I will always be grateful for it. I love this work!
I love all of you so so so soooooooo much!!!!!!
Until next week!
Week 43
Wu An!!!!!
It has been such a great week!
Exciting news: I have a new companion!!!! Her name is Sister Watterson. And she is fresh from the states! Aka I am training!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!! I was quite shocked when President Bishop called me but now I see that it was simply meant to be. She is amazing! She is from Logan. She is super sweet and funny... and her dad actually used to be the Mission President here so she went to an American high school in TaiZhong(TaiChung). She has totally hit the ground running. I am learning so much from her and her desire to serve. I love her!
This past transfer has been so great. I truly learned so much from and with Sister Pomeroy. We had so much fun together. I feel that we also learned how to better do the work the Lord's way. I learned so much from her personal studies and her beautiful testimony that she so fully shows through her example. I felt that I also learned so much about myself and that I now have a new love for myself. It was a great transfer! And good news we are still in the same zone so we will be seeing each other often! :)
We saw many blessings again this week. We have seen some big changes and some little changes but one thing that continues to amaze me is the power of change. We met with the cute Chen family this week and cute Sister Chen shared with us how her boss has noticed a big change in her since she got baptized. It is such a beautiful blessing to see these beautiful people that I love change because of the blessings of the gospel and through the power of the atonement. It is so amazing to me!
We taught a lesson to one of our miracle new investigators this week... her mom passed a way a few years ago and her dad a few years before that. She expressed how she felt so lonely and hallow... I shared with her my testimony of the power of the atonement and the plan of salvation. I shared with her my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ did not only suffer for our sins but for our every trial, pain, sickness, sadness, He has felt it all. He knows each one of us. He loves us. He can and is willing to heal us. We are never alone.
I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the gospel and for the beautiful blessing it is in my life. It has brought me so much peace and happiness. I am grateful that the Lord has given me this opportunity to represent Him and to share this gospel with these beautiful people that HE loves. He has continued to bless me with meeting those that are truly in need of my testimony. I love Him. I love this gospel. And I love this work!
I love all of you!!!!!!
Until next week!
It has been such a great week!
Exciting news: I have a new companion!!!! Her name is Sister Watterson. And she is fresh from the states! Aka I am training!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!! I was quite shocked when President Bishop called me but now I see that it was simply meant to be. She is amazing! She is from Logan. She is super sweet and funny... and her dad actually used to be the Mission President here so she went to an American high school in TaiZhong(TaiChung). She has totally hit the ground running. I am learning so much from her and her desire to serve. I love her!
This past transfer has been so great. I truly learned so much from and with Sister Pomeroy. We had so much fun together. I feel that we also learned how to better do the work the Lord's way. I learned so much from her personal studies and her beautiful testimony that she so fully shows through her example. I felt that I also learned so much about myself and that I now have a new love for myself. It was a great transfer! And good news we are still in the same zone so we will be seeing each other often! :)
We saw many blessings again this week. We have seen some big changes and some little changes but one thing that continues to amaze me is the power of change. We met with the cute Chen family this week and cute Sister Chen shared with us how her boss has noticed a big change in her since she got baptized. It is such a beautiful blessing to see these beautiful people that I love change because of the blessings of the gospel and through the power of the atonement. It is so amazing to me!
We taught a lesson to one of our miracle new investigators this week... her mom passed a way a few years ago and her dad a few years before that. She expressed how she felt so lonely and hallow... I shared with her my testimony of the power of the atonement and the plan of salvation. I shared with her my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ did not only suffer for our sins but for our every trial, pain, sickness, sadness, He has felt it all. He knows each one of us. He loves us. He can and is willing to heal us. We are never alone.
I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the gospel and for the beautiful blessing it is in my life. It has brought me so much peace and happiness. I am grateful that the Lord has given me this opportunity to represent Him and to share this gospel with these beautiful people that HE loves. He has continued to bless me with meeting those that are truly in need of my testimony. I love Him. I love this gospel. And I love this work!
I love all of you!!!!!!
Until next week!
September 5, 2011
Week 42
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I just wanted to start by telling you how much I love you! Sister Pomeroy and I played a question game with our investigator Bree this week to try to help her get to know us and help us get to know her in a casual way. :) We talked about our favorite memories and our greatest joys. I am happy to say that you, my family, was involved in all the answers. I thought of great memories of decorating the Christmas tree that we went to cut down and the many Labor Day festivals that I am sure you are experiencing right now... I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!! I am so grateful for you!
Also, THANK YOU FOR THE BIRFDAY PACKAGE!!!! I LOVE it! I am saving the sweet letters and something wrapped for nest week (if I can be that patient) THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Can't wait!
Today we had an awesome Sisters' activity up at the mission home. It was all the sisters in the north. It was so so so much fun to see everyone and chat and laugh.
This week has been awesome! We have seen amazing miracles. Sister Liu found a way to come to church which she thought was not possible before. Sister Lin (pics from a few weeks ago) had her sweet 9 yr old son explain to her the purpose of life and point out to her that he thinks its kinda of weird for them to be practicing Buddhism while they are also praying with Heavenly Father and learning of His gospel. Such a sweet testimony from a child which was exactly what she needed to hear and who she needed to hear it from. We have also seen a great jump in Bree. We have gained a good, trusting relationship with her. She has starting opening up to us. She has prayed during lessons and a little on her own. She has gone to church. She was willing to watch the Joseph Smith movie with us. I feel that because she is starting to be open to feel our love for her that she will also start being open to feeling Heavenly Father and the Savior's love for her.
We also met some amazing new investigators. One just randomly on the street and willing to come right to church to meet. Another while trying to visit a Less Active that just happened to move. Amazing and beautiful tender mercies :)
This transfer has been amazing and so fun! I am learning so much! I love it! And we are really starting to see the fruits of our labor here in Zhang Hua! So many wonderful blessings!
I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!
Until next week!!!!!!
Also, THANK YOU FOR THE BIRFDAY PACKAGE!!!! I LOVE it! I am saving the sweet letters and something wrapped for nest week (if I can be that patient) THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Can't wait!
Today we had an awesome Sisters' activity up at the mission home. It was all the sisters in the north. It was so so so much fun to see everyone and chat and laugh.
This week has been awesome! We have seen amazing miracles. Sister Liu found a way to come to church which she thought was not possible before. Sister Lin (pics from a few weeks ago) had her sweet 9 yr old son explain to her the purpose of life and point out to her that he thinks its kinda of weird for them to be practicing Buddhism while they are also praying with Heavenly Father and learning of His gospel. Such a sweet testimony from a child which was exactly what she needed to hear and who she needed to hear it from. We have also seen a great jump in Bree. We have gained a good, trusting relationship with her. She has starting opening up to us. She has prayed during lessons and a little on her own. She has gone to church. She was willing to watch the Joseph Smith movie with us. I feel that because she is starting to be open to feel our love for her that she will also start being open to feeling Heavenly Father and the Savior's love for her.
We also met some amazing new investigators. One just randomly on the street and willing to come right to church to meet. Another while trying to visit a Less Active that just happened to move. Amazing and beautiful tender mercies :)
This transfer has been amazing and so fun! I am learning so much! I love it! And we are really starting to see the fruits of our labor here in Zhang Hua! So many wonderful blessings!
I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!
Until next week!!!!!!
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