Ni Hao!
It's been another great week!
Xu Ming Shan was baptized on Saturday! She was just glowing. She cried after the service (happy tears, don't worry). The service was beautiful and she had a lot of the ward there to love and support her. Ming Shan bore a beautiful and pure testimony. It was wonderful. So great! On Thursday we went out to dinner with her for her birthday. It was so fun! We dropped off flowers at her place the day before and we made her a card and gave it to her at dinner. She smiled so big when we gave it to her. She said that she's never had a birthday like this, that she had never had friends go out with her or make her something. She was SO happy! I love that feeling of helping others feel joy and happiness! Yesterday she was confirmed and received the Holy Ghost. The blessing was beautiful! The most beautiful I have heard. She cried again. She said that she could feel something special when they put their hands on her head. I told her it was the Holy Ghost. She cried some more and said that she loves this feeling. She is AMAZING!!!!
We had a wonderful mission conference on Friday! Elder Jay Jensen, a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, came to speak to our mission. It was wonderful! We woke up at 3 a.m. to be at the train station at 4 to get on a bus at 4:30 for a 3hour bus ride to TaiZhong (Taichung). We all slept on the way up (okay so the last hour we all chatted haha). That was fun! When we got off the bus we had all the north zones there waiting for us... I was so so so happy to see my friends. I ran to Sisters Reece, Rigby, and Miller and gave them all big hugs! It was so great to chat with them and hear of their areas and the beautiful people they have met.... The actual mission conference was AMAZING! Elder Jensen is a fabulous teacher. I wish I could say all that he talked to us about but there is not enough time and it wouldn't sound as good in my words. But one thing that he said is that "conversion is simply remembering what we taught and accepted before this life." I love that! Everything we teach, they already know. We are just sparking a memory. He also said that we all want to do good things but we have a battle between our spirit and our body. His example was a missionary's 6:30 wake up. The spirit is ready to get up and be obedient but the body thinks "just 5 more minutes." Its a battle we face all the time. Our spirit and the natural man. Oh it was such a great conference. Definitely worth the 3 a.m. wake up (and don't worry I changed my alarm to 6:25 just in case the 5 min thing happens haha)
I received a letter from cute You Jiemei, she was one the sisters baptized in my first area, and she is doing so well. She shared with me a beautiful testimony of the Book of Mormon and told me how much she is loving church and being a member! So great!!!
Other than that the week was full of lessons and contacting. Lots of contacting. We talk to everyone. People on bikes, scooters, and in cars. EVERYONE! I love that I get to bear my testimony so many times a day. I get rejected most of the time but I still love it!
Well it's been a great week!
I love you all so so so so much!
Until next week!
May 30, 2011
May 25, 2011
Week 27
Ni Hao!
It's been a good week!
Good news! Xu Jiemei is getting baptized on Saturday!!! She is so excited and so amazing! Her testimony is so strong. I was amazed by her responses and understanding at church on Sunday. She is so prepared! I love her! I love meeting with her and I am so happy for her. I feel so blessed to be doing this work!
This week we met with a cute old man named Zha Bo Bo. He is 93 yrs old. He's been a member since 1974 but because of his health he hasn't been able to come to church for awhile. Sister Chen (my previous companion) and I went to visit him a few times last transfer. Sister Hsin and I have kept up the tradition! Well the first time Sister Hsin and I visited him he was doing so well and he was so happy but this week his health was a little down... He knew we were the missionaries but this was the first time he forgot who I was... I was so sad but happy to introduce myself again! He is simply wonderful and he is trying so hard to convert his nurse from Indonesia... 93 and still a member missionary!
We had a week full of rainstorms here starting Tuesday... And I mean rainstorms... So much rain but we are still out doing the work in our beautiful rain gear. It's so fun! With the rain came some time with clear sky... Because of the pollution, you don't see the sky much but this week there was a little bit of time when I was able to see a beautiful blue sky... Just lovely!!!
Well, I sure do love you all!!!!!
Until next week!
It's been a good week!
Good news! Xu Jiemei is getting baptized on Saturday!!! She is so excited and so amazing! Her testimony is so strong. I was amazed by her responses and understanding at church on Sunday. She is so prepared! I love her! I love meeting with her and I am so happy for her. I feel so blessed to be doing this work!
This week we met with a cute old man named Zha Bo Bo. He is 93 yrs old. He's been a member since 1974 but because of his health he hasn't been able to come to church for awhile. Sister Chen (my previous companion) and I went to visit him a few times last transfer. Sister Hsin and I have kept up the tradition! Well the first time Sister Hsin and I visited him he was doing so well and he was so happy but this week his health was a little down... He knew we were the missionaries but this was the first time he forgot who I was... I was so sad but happy to introduce myself again! He is simply wonderful and he is trying so hard to convert his nurse from Indonesia... 93 and still a member missionary!
We had a week full of rainstorms here starting Tuesday... And I mean rainstorms... So much rain but we are still out doing the work in our beautiful rain gear. It's so fun! With the rain came some time with clear sky... Because of the pollution, you don't see the sky much but this week there was a little bit of time when I was able to see a beautiful blue sky... Just lovely!!!
Well, I sure do love you all!!!!!
Until next week!
May 16, 2011
Week 26
Ni Hao!
It's been a good week!
As I mention last week I have a new companion, Sister Hsin. She is super cute and definitely smaller than Sonny (especially now... I'm sure he has grown so much) She's a little more than a foot smaller than me. A lot of people ask if she is really my companion because they usually think she is a teenager. It's kinda funny and luckily she just laughs about it. She might be small in height but she has big courage and she is just go, go, go. She is so great and I'm excited to be serving with her.
This week we focused a lot on finding new investigators but we were also blessed with quite a few lessons. We did a lot of knocking on doors and were actually blessed in finding and teaching a few great people. We found a really cute former investigator, Xu Ming Shan. She is so great! She met with the missionaries a few years ago but suddenly lost interest. We found out that she was worried because she still "bai bai's" which basically means she goes to the Buddhist temples with her family to honor and respect her ancestors. We were happy to hear that this was her concern because it is okay as long as she's not worshipping them. This made her so happy! She said that she has been wanting to get baptized for awhile and now she can... Oh she is so great!
This morning we had a great zone activity of hiking Monkey Mountain! It was a good time... They were so cute! They would actually come pretty close too. Good Times!
Well I'm sorry this is so short but I hoping the pictures make up for it!
I love you all!
Until next week!
It's been a good week!
As I mention last week I have a new companion, Sister Hsin. She is super cute and definitely smaller than Sonny (especially now... I'm sure he has grown so much) She's a little more than a foot smaller than me. A lot of people ask if she is really my companion because they usually think she is a teenager. It's kinda funny and luckily she just laughs about it. She might be small in height but she has big courage and she is just go, go, go. She is so great and I'm excited to be serving with her.
This week we focused a lot on finding new investigators but we were also blessed with quite a few lessons. We did a lot of knocking on doors and were actually blessed in finding and teaching a few great people. We found a really cute former investigator, Xu Ming Shan. She is so great! She met with the missionaries a few years ago but suddenly lost interest. We found out that she was worried because she still "bai bai's" which basically means she goes to the Buddhist temples with her family to honor and respect her ancestors. We were happy to hear that this was her concern because it is okay as long as she's not worshipping them. This made her so happy! She said that she has been wanting to get baptized for awhile and now she can... Oh she is so great!
This morning we had a great zone activity of hiking Monkey Mountain! It was a good time... They were so cute! They would actually come pretty close too. Good Times!
Well I'm sorry this is so short but I hoping the pictures make up for it!
I love you all!
Until next week!
May 15, 2011
Week 25
Ni Hao!
It was so great talking to the fam! Thank you so much! I sure do love you guys!
It's been another great and busy week!
Sister Chen and I were able to teach a lot of lessons this week. So great!
Yesterday, the Liu family received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was so beautiful. Brother Liu continues to heal and is regaining strength and humor. During one of our lessons this week he told Sister Chen that she is a boring teacher and that she should have me teach more because I'm funny haha and by that he means that I am white and my Chinese is funny haha It's so great to see them happy and laughing. Cute Sister Liu has so much faith and patience. She is so great!
So Sister Chen left for home today... I'm so grateful I was blessed to have her as my companion. I am going to miss her. She is so amazing! I learned so much from her. We were so blessed and we had so much fun together! I LOVE HER!
I have a new companion. Sister Hsin! She is adorable!!! She is from Taipei and she is a ballerina! She's probably smaller than Sonny :) She is so cute and I'm excited to serve with her.
This week during personal study I found some great scriptures that I love. It's Helaman 5:9-11. I love in verse 11 how it talks about angels declaring the tidings of the conditions of repentance... I feel that there are many angels doing the Lord's work. There are the wonderful missionaries, specifically companions, that I am blessed to serve with. Then there is the members. They truly help so much in the work. They are so willing to help teach and testify of the Savior. And then there is the many real angels helping this work move along. They prepare the hearts. They help give us strength. I have greatly felt that this week. Especially yesterday with it being Mother's Day. I have felt so much of her love and support. I meet people that I know she would love and that helps me love them more. I feel so blessed to feel her near....
There are angels everywhere!!!! Parents, grandparents, family members, and friends. It is so amazing!
The church is true. Our Savior lives and loves us. This is His work and I feel so blessed to be a part of it!
I love you all!!!!
Until next week!
It was so great talking to the fam! Thank you so much! I sure do love you guys!
It's been another great and busy week!
Sister Chen and I were able to teach a lot of lessons this week. So great!
Yesterday, the Liu family received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was so beautiful. Brother Liu continues to heal and is regaining strength and humor. During one of our lessons this week he told Sister Chen that she is a boring teacher and that she should have me teach more because I'm funny haha and by that he means that I am white and my Chinese is funny haha It's so great to see them happy and laughing. Cute Sister Liu has so much faith and patience. She is so great!
So Sister Chen left for home today... I'm so grateful I was blessed to have her as my companion. I am going to miss her. She is so amazing! I learned so much from her. We were so blessed and we had so much fun together! I LOVE HER!
I have a new companion. Sister Hsin! She is adorable!!! She is from Taipei and she is a ballerina! She's probably smaller than Sonny :) She is so cute and I'm excited to serve with her.
This week during personal study I found some great scriptures that I love. It's Helaman 5:9-11. I love in verse 11 how it talks about angels declaring the tidings of the conditions of repentance... I feel that there are many angels doing the Lord's work. There are the wonderful missionaries, specifically companions, that I am blessed to serve with. Then there is the members. They truly help so much in the work. They are so willing to help teach and testify of the Savior. And then there is the many real angels helping this work move along. They prepare the hearts. They help give us strength. I have greatly felt that this week. Especially yesterday with it being Mother's Day. I have felt so much of her love and support. I meet people that I know she would love and that helps me love them more. I feel so blessed to feel her near....
There are angels everywhere!!!! Parents, grandparents, family members, and friends. It is so amazing!
The church is true. Our Savior lives and loves us. This is His work and I feel so blessed to be a part of it!
I love you all!!!!
Until next week!
May 2, 2011
Week 24
Ni hao!
It has been a great and busy week with some beautiful tender mercies!
So at the beginning of April my companion and I met a cute couple, the Liu Family. They are here from mainland China. They came to Taiwan because Liu Dixiong (Brother Liu) had a stroke and Red Cross has a good program here to help those who have suffered from a stroke. Liu Dixiong lost the movement on his left side so they are doing physical therapy to help him get the movement back. They only plan to be here until he can walk again. I had a special connection with them from the beginning. We met them and started teaching. Liu Jiemei (Sister Liu) immediately had so much faith. It was like she was searching for the gospel. They were quick to accept the gospel. They were so prepared for it...A few weeks ago Liu Dixiong was in the hospital. He had an infection and wasn't doing well. We went to visit them everyday. Liu Jiemei was always by his side. We knew that they were both bored and lonely so we tried to cheer them up with singing, articles, and my bad Chinese haha... Liu Dixiong received a priesthood blessing and started to heal rather quickly. Within a few days he was eating again... He was able to go home and we continued visiting them everyday. They made friends with a family in the ward. The Huang family. Huang Dixiong had a stroke a 5 months ago and is also in a wheelchair so the 2 wives would go on walks together with their cute. Basically they progressed rather quickly and the got BAPTIZED last night!!!!! They were so happy... Before the baptism Liu Dixiong showed us how he can stand now. A miracle.... The baptism service wasn't going exactly as planned. It started late, the Bishop couldn't make it, they had me singing, and the baptismal font overflowed (and oh boy did it overflow. Out into the bathrooms and then the hallway and into the gym then outside.) But they were so happy and Liu Jiemei just made the joke that we were all getting baptized with them. So positive! It was amazing. Even with all the chaos the Spirit was there. I have felt the Spirit at every baptism but this baptism had a special feeling... As Liu Dixiong was basically carried into the font, I felt as though he was truly going to the Savior to be healed. And he was healed... spiritually. He and his wife were made clean. It was so beautiful. They are already preparing to share the gospel with their son's when the go back to China.... Truly a miracle and tender mercy. I love them!!!!
I honestly feel so blessed to be doing this work and to be a witness of these miracles and tender mercies.
Such a good week!
I LOVE you all!!!!!
Until next week!
It has been a great and busy week with some beautiful tender mercies!
So at the beginning of April my companion and I met a cute couple, the Liu Family. They are here from mainland China. They came to Taiwan because Liu Dixiong (Brother Liu) had a stroke and Red Cross has a good program here to help those who have suffered from a stroke. Liu Dixiong lost the movement on his left side so they are doing physical therapy to help him get the movement back. They only plan to be here until he can walk again. I had a special connection with them from the beginning. We met them and started teaching. Liu Jiemei (Sister Liu) immediately had so much faith. It was like she was searching for the gospel. They were quick to accept the gospel. They were so prepared for it...A few weeks ago Liu Dixiong was in the hospital. He had an infection and wasn't doing well. We went to visit them everyday. Liu Jiemei was always by his side. We knew that they were both bored and lonely so we tried to cheer them up with singing, articles, and my bad Chinese haha... Liu Dixiong received a priesthood blessing and started to heal rather quickly. Within a few days he was eating again... He was able to go home and we continued visiting them everyday. They made friends with a family in the ward. The Huang family. Huang Dixiong had a stroke a 5 months ago and is also in a wheelchair so the 2 wives would go on walks together with their cute. Basically they progressed rather quickly and the got BAPTIZED last night!!!!! They were so happy... Before the baptism Liu Dixiong showed us how he can stand now. A miracle.... The baptism service wasn't going exactly as planned. It started late, the Bishop couldn't make it, they had me singing, and the baptismal font overflowed (and oh boy did it overflow. Out into the bathrooms and then the hallway and into the gym then outside.) But they were so happy and Liu Jiemei just made the joke that we were all getting baptized with them. So positive! It was amazing. Even with all the chaos the Spirit was there. I have felt the Spirit at every baptism but this baptism had a special feeling... As Liu Dixiong was basically carried into the font, I felt as though he was truly going to the Savior to be healed. And he was healed... spiritually. He and his wife were made clean. It was so beautiful. They are already preparing to share the gospel with their son's when the go back to China.... Truly a miracle and tender mercy. I love them!!!!
I honestly feel so blessed to be doing this work and to be a witness of these miracles and tender mercies.
Such a good week!
I LOVE you all!!!!!
Until next week!
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